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Dissenting Vote

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sasser programmer gets 19 months in jail on probation

In the trail against the programmer of the worm Sasser (covered in this blog before) ended with one year and seven months in jail on probation for the teenage programmer. Computing.co.uk:

Sven Jaschan, the German teenager who admitted releasing the Sasser virus, has escaped a custodial sentence.
A German court has given Jaschan, from the village of Waffensen in the northern Germany, a probationary sentence of one year and nine months after pleading guilty to charges of data manipulation, computer sabotage and interfering with public services.

You might also want to read Silicomvalley or Yahoo News.


  • I heard in the news, that Sven works for a computer-security firm now...bad news for other worm-creators! :) When I heard I thought about the movie "Catch me if you can". The Cheater there works at the end for the police... :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:28 p.m.  

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