BusinessWekk online has an analysis about computers'
insecure security:
Software meant to protect PCs are now
attack targets, revealing a rising number of flaws – even more than those
of Microsoft products.
Think you're safe because your computer has the latest antivirus program,
complete with daily updates via the Web? Or maybe you figure the firewall you
have installed will stop malicious software from reaching your machine.
Well, you may not be as secure as you think. Hackers are increasingly
finding flaws in the very programs designed to prevent attacks –
computer-security software.
You thought are computer is secure? It is not. And not just because security
software itself could (and does) have security flaws. But because securing a
computer is a never ending story and the worst for security is not realizing
that. If you think your system is secure you will not bother with security
anymore, on the other hand you will start doing risky operations.
Some links on computer security: